Clinics & Camps
Wir reagieren auf die Nachfrage der Coaches! Daher werden dieses Jahr den Fokus auf das Spiel an der Line of Scrimmage setzten! Die 6. AFCVT Coaches Clinic wird zum ersten Mal eine reine Clinic für Offensive and Defensive Line sein. In 2 Räumen werden 3 Speaker in einem Tag über gewisse Aspekte des Spiels an der O- & D-Line reden und intensiv auf die Themen und Fragen der Coaches eingehen.
We respond to the requests of the coaches! Therefore this year the focus will be on the game on the Line of Scrimmage! The 6th AFCVT Coaches Clinic will be a pure clinic for offensive and defensive line for the first time. In 2 rooms, 3 speakers will talk about certain aspects of the game on the O- & D-Line in one day and intensively address the topics and questions of the coaches.
Offensive Line: Dominik Bauer
Eine weitere Premiere bei der AFCVT Coaches Clinic wird sein, dass auch durch die fachliche Kompetenz auch dieses Jahr einer der Organisatoren der Clinic ein Vortragender sein wird. Dominik Bauer nicht nur Operativer Leiter und Landesfachverbandstrainer ist auch seit 2020 Offensive Line Coach der SWARCO Raiders Tirol. Er hat die Coachinglaufbahn bei den Raiders seit 2013 in jeder Altersklasse durchlaufen und bringt nicht nur als Coach sondern auch als erfahrener Spieler mit 5 Austrian Bowl Titeln und 3 European Club Champion Titeln einiges mit.
Another premiere at the AFCVT Coaches Clinic will be that one of the organizers of the clinic will also be a speaker this year thanks to the professional competence. Dominik Bauer is not only the operational manager and regional association trainer, but has also been the offensive line coach of SWARCO Raiders Tirol since 2020. He has had a coaching career with the Raiders since 2013 in every age group and brings a lot with him not only as a coach but also as an experienced player with 5 Austrian Bowl titles and 3 European Club Champion titles.
- Why it has to start from the beginning!
- Offensive Line Fundamentals & Movements, building the O-Line Athlete
- Pass Protection
- Scheme, Technique, Application & Analysis
- Inside Zone & Pin Pull (Running the Ball on the Perimeter)
- Scheme, Technique, Application & Analysis
Defensive Line (Run Support & Fundamentals): Kevin Herron
Wir freuen uns sehr das der Neo-ELF Head Coach Kevin Herron die Zeit gefunden hat bei uns auf der AFCVT Coaches Clinic zu sprechen. Seit 2020 Head der SWARCO Raiders Tirol Kampfmannschaft war Kevin Herron nicht nur Defensive Coordinator sondern auch D-Line Coach. Kevin Vita liest sich im europäischen Football durchaus bemerkenswert und wir freuen uns, welche Tipps er für die D-Line auf Lager hat!
We are very happy that the Neo-ELF Head Coach Kevin Herron found the time to speak to us at the AFCVT Coaches Clinic. Since 2020, head of the SWARCO Raiders Tirol fighting team, Kevin Herron was not only defensive coordinator but also D-line coach. Kevin Vita reads quite remarkably in European football and we are happy to see what tips he has in store for the D-Line!
- Counter the Run
- Get-off and stances in vertain game situations
- Block Schedding
- Developing Handplacement and Handfights specific against the run
- Defensive Line in 3-4 & 4-3 systems
- Technique and Scheme vs. the Offensive Scheme
Defensive Line (Pass Rush): Jermaine Guynn
Auch dürfen wir Jermaine Guynn in Tirol begrüßen. Jermaine war von 2005-2008 Defensive Line Spieler an der University of Purdue bevor es ihn in die GFL verschlug. Dort brachte er es im Laufe der Zeit auf 291 Tackles, 31 Sacks und 85 Tackle for Loses. Als der Alptraum jedes Quarterbacks spielte er auf allen Positionen der D-Line. Zwischenzeitlich hatte es Jermaine auch mal nach Tirol verschlagen wo er von 2016-2017 die Austrian Bowl und den CEFL Bowl gewinnen konnte. Mittlerweile im Coaching angekommen brachte er auch als HC, DC und D-Dline Coach sein Team die Stuttgart Scorpions 2019 in die Playoffs.
We can also welcome Jermaine Guynn in Tyrol. Jermaine was a defensive line player at the University of Purdue from 2005-2008 before joining the GFL. There he achieved 291 tackles, 31 sacks and 85 tackles for loses over time. As the nightmare of every quarterback, he played every position on the D-Line. In the meantime, Jermaine had also ended up in Tyrol, where he won the Austrian Bowl and the CEFL Bowl from 2016-2017. Meanwhile, having arrived in coaching, he also brought his team the Stuttgart Scorpions 2019 into the playoffs as an HC, DC and D-Dline coach.
- Essentials for Effective Pass Rush
- Taylor your Game
- Know yourself, your limitations and your opponent. Keep it simple
- Greasing the groove
- Preperation, Drills, Repetition
Free Clinic Videos:
#1 Efficient film studying as a linebacker by Fabian Seeber
#2 The SMU Run 'n' Shoot Offense by Dan Morrison
Vergangene Clinic's & Camps:
AFCVT Clinic Camp 2020
1. AFCVT Coaches Clinic 2015
2. AFCVT Coaches Clinic 2015
3. AFCVT Coaches Clinic 2016
4. AFCVT Coaches Clinic 2018
5. AFCVT Coaches Clinic 2019
Sean Shelton QB Academy Camp 2018
Sean Shelton QB Academy Camps 2017